Jonathan edwards biography powerpoint project
Jonathan edwards biography powerpoint project
Jonathan edwards biography book!
Jonathan Edwards: A New Biography
March 30, 2009
Ask the average American for a brief description of Jonathan Edwards, and, if you get anything more than a shrug or a blank stare, it will most likely be a caricature of a stolid Puritan unable to muster up emotion for anything but the fire-and-brimstone sermons that spew from his pulpit.
And while that average American might be partially excused on the basis of simple ignorance, recent biographers of Edwards seem to share similar views. Those who have ostensibly had reason to study his teaching and theology have concluded, as did Perry Miller, that through his work “Edwards wrought incalculable harm.” Other biographers, while conceding the greatness of Edwards’ intellect, are not so charitable regarding his character.
Even in his own day Edwards was viewed with some hostility; in 1750 his opponents succeeded in ousting him from the pulpit at Northampton, where he had served for 23 years.
From these facts, it might seem as though t