Inda schaenen biography
Inda schaenen biography married!
Inda schaenen biography
Classroom Teaching
Certified English Language Arts Teacher, grade 5 through 12
- Normandy Schools Collaborative
- Villa Duchesne
Adjunct Assistant Professor, College of Education, University of Missouri-St.
- Literacy Acquisition for Urban Students
- Teacher Action Research
- History, Community, and Social Justice in Education
- Literacy, Literature, and the Learner
Teaching Artist, grades 2 through 5
Selected Education Presentations
Schaenen, I.
(2014, February). Speaking of Fourth Grade: What Listening to Kids Tells Us About School in America. Eighth Annual Education for Change Curriculum Conference, “Race, Class & Education in St. Louis,” sponsored by Educators for Social Justice.
Schaenen, I.
(2014, January).
Inda schaenen biography wikipedia
Hand-I coordination: Interpreting student writings and drawings as expressions of identity. The Qualitative Report Annual Conference, Nova Southeastern University, Florida.
Schaenen, I. (2013, March). “We were supposed to realize”: Agency a