Biography imam abu hanifa pdf

  • Biography imam abu hanifa pdf
  • Biography imam abu hanifa pdf download

    Imam abu hanifa in urdu.


    Criticism levelled against Imam Abu Hanifah

    Imam Abu Hanifa was a very great Imam. He met many of the Sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them) and out of the four Imams he has the most followers.

    Thus his status is very high.

    Biography imam abu hanifa pdf

  • Biography imam abu hanifa pdf
  • Biography imam abu hanifa pdf download
  • Imam abu hanifa in urdu
  • Imam abu hanifa biography in urdu
  • Imam abu hanifa books pdf english
  • Imam Zuhra Misri and Shaykh Makki said in their books that Imam Abu Hanifa debated with many misled sects (especially the Khawarij and Mu’tazlites) and defeated them. Those sects then became his enemies and started placing false accusations against him.

    Some later scholars unfortunately recorded these false accusations in their books. However, many have presented these false claims to me, blindly believing their validity and it is my fervent desire in this chapter to clarify all such allegations.

    What Historians Have Recoreded Regarding Imam Abu Hanifa

    Hafiz adh-Dhahabi and Ibn Kathir write:

    “Imam Abu Hanifa was born in 80A.H, living in the time when there were still some Sahaba living.He saw the famous Companion, Anas ibn Malik (may