Percy parker maths songs number
Free maths songs!
Percy parker maths songs number
5x Table and Related Division Facts
Free worksheets, games, songs and resources to support children learning the five times table and related division facts.
Worksheets, Games and Other Printable Resources
5x Table Colour by Code
Solve the 5x table equations to colour the duck.
5x Table Colour by Code (Help)
Solve the 5x table equations to colour the birds.
Includes a 5x table help flower.
Division by 5 Colour by Code
Solve the division by 5 equations to colour the fish.
Division by 5 Colour by Code (Help)
Solve the 5x table division facts to colour the parrot.
Includes 5x table help flower).
5x Table Puzzle
Jigsaw style puzzle showing different representations of the five times table. Print, laminate and cut.
5x Table Certificate
Can be printed, signed and awarded on a pupil learning the five times table.
5x Table Diving Dice
Dice-based game to support children learning the five times ta