John chrysostom commentaries

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    St john chrysostom commentaries

    Homily 85 on the Gospel of John

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    John 19:16-18


    Successes have terrible power to cast down or draw aside those who take not heed. Thus the Jews, who at first enjoyed the influence of God, sought the law of royalty from the Gentiles, and in the wilderness after the manna remembered the onions.

    In the same way here, refusing the Kingdom of Christ, they invited to themselves that of Cæsar.

    John chrysostom commentaries

  • John chrysostom commentaries
  • St john chrysostom commentaries
  • John of damascus
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  • Wherefore God set a king over them, according to their own decision. When then Pilate heard these things, he delivered Him to be crucified. Utterly without reason. For when he ought to have enquired whether Christ had aimed at sovereign power, he pronounced the sentence through fear alone.

    Yet that this might not befall him, Christ said beforehand, ; but he having given hims