Type publication book monograph biography

  • Type publication book monograph biography
  • Type publication book monograph biography free.

    The book you are planning to write should fit into one of the following broad categories. 

    Research Monographs

    Monographs are works of original scholarly research, engaging with other relevant primary and secondary literature.

    Type publication book monograph biography

  • Type publication book monograph biography examples
  • Type publication book monograph biography free
  • How long is a monograph
  • Monograph in research
  • Publication of significant monograph books, that push forward the boundaries of the disciplines in which we publish, is very important to us. Monographs may be considered for publication as hardback only, or as dual edition (paperback and hardback) books dependent on the core audience for the book.

    Multi-author or edited works

    Edited works should provide a thorough and structured review of a major subject, in which both the chapter topics and the contributors have been carefully selected by the volume editor(s) to ensure that the resulting book is as comprehensive, coherent and integrated a treatment of that subject as possible.

    We do not publish conference proceedings, so if you are proposing to edit a book or series arising out of a conferen